Officials Survey / Service Achievement Badges

Following the officials survey last month, the regional and National Councils proposed to England Athletics, that it would be a good idea if the service achievement badges were to be presented to the applicable licensed active officials that reflects their length of service to the sport e.g., 5, 10 and 20 years+ respectively. To aid doing so, we would like to invite officials from each county, who would like to receive a service achievement badge to complete this very short form to confirm their name, license number and length of service as a licensed active official.

The data from this short form will be collated and processed by England Athletics before it is then sent to the counties indicating which official is eligible for each service badge. Participation and the rolling out of the service achievement badges is very much optional and if counties are unable to commit to presenting the service achievement badges at events e.g., County Champs (13/14th May), conferences or future competitions in the county, we will look to engage in conversation in identifying alternative options for the relevant counties. England Athletics are looking to contact officials to verify and sense check historical data held for officials that is held by the sport, based on potential inaccuracies identified by UKA and to ensure we have robust data held by England Athletics, for officials moving forward.